IEP - ins & outs
Programs offered by Academic Guidance Services
(est. 1960)
Dr. Hung's Biography
Articles from It's Academic, published by
Academic Guidance Services
Lately, many children are diagnosed or are
suspected to have ADHD because they are disruptive
or show no interest learning in the classroom
(the problem always occurs in the classroom,
seldom at home). Many ADHD children are put
on medication. Over the past year, we also
have seen more and more cases of youngsters
and adults who have been diagnosed as dyslexic
and have gotten seemingly sophisticated treatments,
accompanied by tremendous expenses and time consumption, and yet continue to
fare poorly and, worse, develop a sense of
despair and stigma about the "disease".
Much trial and tribulation and frustration
have resulted from these diagnoses.
What exactly is ADHD? Strictly speaking,
we don't know. The name is a mouthful: it
stands for attention deficit and hyperactivity
disorder. The actual definition is vague, because it covers two broad but significant
areas of mental defects: inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity.
To further confuse things, the DSM-IV lists
nine subcategories of behavioral symptoms
under Inattention and nine under Hyperactivity/impulsivity.
For example, impulsivity and talking excessively
are under Hyperactivity, and losing things
or daydreaming fall under Attention Deficit.
Thus, according to the DSM-IV, we have ADHD-Predominantly Inattentive Type or ADHD-Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive
Type, or ADHD - Combined (314.01).
And there are no objective and logical ways
to define "inattention" and "hyperactivity."
For example, what type of attention? Is it
deficient attention to all school tasks?
Or in math homework only? Or in reading history?
Or attention deficit while playing computer
games? (highly unlikely) And in what setting
does the deficit occur? In the classroom?
Or at home? And how "hyper" should
a child be before he is hyperactive? I used
to have images of a boy who bounced up the
wall, but I have seen diagnosis based on
'fidgeting'. Besides the broadness problem,
the objectivity of the definitions is also
compromised by the frequency of the symptoms.
For example, how active should a child be
before he crosses the threshold to become
'hyper'-active? Getting out of the seat every
2 minutes? Or every hour? A boy could also
have ADHD if he "frequently" doesn't
sit properly in class and doesn't wait for
his turn. But how does one define "frequently"?
Once every hour or once every 15 minutes?
When a diagnosis can include so many varied
behavioral symptoms, it becomes non-specific,
and many of these symptoms are also shared
by other diagnoses (co-morbidities) such
as Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Autism,
Depression, etc. The DSM-IV tries to get
around the broadness by specifying that a
person must have had at least six out of
the nine subcategories for six months before
one of the three ADHD diagnoses be given.
Still, many clinicians in practice use much
less stringent criteria, resulting in over-diagnosis,
i.e., people who should not be called ADHD
end up being called so.
If your child is diagnosed ADHD based on
one or two symptoms with unspecified length
of onset, be skeptical!
Unlike a medical diagnosis, ADHD is not biologically
or neurologically defined but is vaguely
behaviorally defined. The vague definition
allows professionals to use the term in different
ways. As a result, you can have 10 children
bearing the ADHD label but showing different
symptoms. Many children that used to be called
"naughty," "mischievous,"
or even "energetic" are suddenly
now suffering from ADHD, and many previously
called "lazy" (a taboo word) are
now ADD.
The Treatment of ADHD.
A whole host of expensive treatments exists,
among them sophisticated apparatuses to activate
the left brain and drugs to "tone down" the brain. Tremendous anxiety and
cost are expended by parents and often to
no avail.
We adopt a pragmatic, result-oriented treatment. We maintain that motivation, discipline,
life style and previous learning history
of the child have much to do with ADHD. The
individual is usually not interested in school,
but can be very intense and attentive on
things he likes to do. In treatment, the
key is to have a thorough, logical analysis
of the problem, the settings and the consequences.
This can be best achieved through professional
training on motivation/study habits/time
management and in more severe cases augmented
with supervised study sessions and/or structured,
one-to-one tutoring.